16 June 2016

uh uh?

 well...thiz iz awkward...its been so long since i last opened this blog .like seriously?i reread the older post(s) and i just burst out laugh hahahahahha why am i so funny back then . ok laa i've past senior year dekat sekolah dah graduate from SMK SRI MERSING(WOW LOOK HOW PROUD I AM) and i dah sambung study dkt kptm kotabharu i amik nursing .health sc yow like seriously science marissa?ya i do loveeee sc but tak pernah terlintas di benak fikiran nak jadi nurse .dulu ye suka nak jadi doctor but i didnt chose sc stream when i was in sekolah so,,,hahaaa

talk abt nursing,ok siapa kata budak2 nursing tak boleh jadi doctor and just duduk dalam kelompok nursing?no.my lect ada bagitau that kita still boleh sambung study jadi doctor .and dari situ tetiba aku cam yayyyyy boleh jadi doctor .tetiba rasa nak jadi doctor physio bcs i love anatomy and physiology hihi!
nursing taksusah mana la lagipun dia half dari pengetahuan doctor and that is why nurses dkt oversea orang pandang tinggi .idk dekat msia ..same je kot haha promote nursing ok adik2 junior boleh pilih course ni since ni la bidang yang paling sangat diperlukan .
ok i actually dah nak dekat setahun belajar dkt kptm tapi i dapat offer kkm pulak when i baru beberapa hari naik sem 3 .can u feel me?tinggalkan kawan2/roommates yang dah boleh ngam and dah tahu perangai buruk ni haha :(
so sekarang still menganggur di rumah waitin for 11th July to lapor diri dkt ilkkm and kita bertukar uniform white pula .goodluck dearself
and happy 6years 5days(lol) to my heart throb Azizi bin Musa and im so lucky to have u makin besar makin sweet aum <3 .no tkleh gtau nanti seme orang nak dia :p

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